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Saturday, June 13, 2015

There once was a boy named Harry...

Hi guys! In case you don't understand the reference in my title, I love this video .
So, a few nights ago I was craving something warm, and I couldn't decide what to have. I Googled to figure out where to find recipes with what ingredients I have. That is when I came across this beauty:
This is so super easy it's ridiculous!
First, you start out with two tablespoons of brown sugar and two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan.
Then, you just let it melt down and stir it together. Don't let the pan get too hot for this, save the heat for when you're boiling it all. When the butter and brown sugar are combined, it should look something like this: 

Then, you fill the mug you are going to use with milk and add a dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla into the milk. This makes it easier to combine in the saucepan. You can easily do this while your melting the first part. For the cinnamon, don't put in too much, but I also wouldn't add in too little. The second batch I made I put in too much cinnamon and I think it would have been good if I had cut the extreme amount down to about 2/3 of what I put in. Then, you just dump that mixture on top of the caramelized brown sugar, and you mix it up pretty well. Turn up the heat and let it boil. Make sure to stir it occasionally, and once it has started to boil pull it off the burner or else you risk making a mess (I nearly did that with my second batch). You should have this:

Once it had cooled a little, put it in your mug and pop in your favorite Harry Potter flick!
Hope you guys are enjoying your summers!

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