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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Are you a Yuccie?

Hi guys! So I wasn't really planning on blogging again for another few days, but I came across this article: http://mashable.com/2015/06/09/post-hipster-yuccie/ and I was immediately intrigued. (If you are going to read this article, beware of strong language)
Basically, the author describes how hipsters are out, and "yuccies" are in. The interesting thing is I think there should be a term for those of us who are going to have a career path but still feel like they could be creative in other aspects of our lives. In other words; multi-taskers. People who are comfortable with their career path but also want to be able to exercise other types of creativity so they feel... in control, I suppose is the only way to explain it. So, what to we call these kinds of people, people like me and people like others who I know are like me. I think there would be several words, but I think I need your guys' ideas. So, it's your turn! What do you call non-yuccie yuccies? On the other hand, are any of your guys Yuccies? People who want to be creative but don't take a certain career path, instead they just kinda float from creative thing to creative thing, no matter the salary. :)
Alright guys, back to doing what I'm supposed to be doing; writing.
See ya!

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