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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

S'mores Casserole

Hi guys! So I know I have been AWOL for more than a month, but I promise I'm going to try to get better. :) Yesterday I was craving something sweet, and I really wanted to bake, so I decided to grab some ingredients while I was grocery shopping.
So the recipe I used can be found at this link. I doubt that this is the original source, but this is where I found the idea from, so if anyone knows where the original source is I'd love to have it.
If you don't have a fire pit and you love to make s'mores, this is the recipe for you! The recipe uses Hershey's, but I decided to use Reese's since that's what I have on hand.
 This is all you need in order to make this recipe. I only ended up using one set of Reese's cups, but I'm sure you could use more. I used the large marshmallows (instead of the mini) because they were on sale with s'mores season still happening in the stores.
Before you do anything, preheat your oven to the temperature it says on the cookie dough roll.
Okay, so you want to start with a square cake pan. I sprayed it with butter spray primarily because I wanted to make cleanup easier. Then, you make one layer of graham crackers on the bottom of your pan.
You shouldn't even need a whole sleeve of crackers, and you don't have to make them very tight, either, just do the best you can. Next, take your tube of chocolate chip cookie dough and cut it open on the side. The instructions say to flatten it out on parchment, but we didn't have parchment so I tried it on foil but it wasn't worth it. Instead, I washed my hands and flattened it out piece by piece. These pieces you layer on top of the graham crackers. 
It won't be perfect, but trust me when I say it won't make a difference in the end. Take this and pop it in the preheated oven for 8 or 9 minutes. The cookie part should be pretty well cooked, but not all the way cooked because it's going to go back into the oven. 
While that's cooking, take out your chocolate. You could use Hershey's, but yet again I used Reese's because it gave me some peanut butter which was so good. In order to spread it around, I would cut it up into as small of pieces as you like. 

I had almost too much fun cutting my Reese's cups into pieces, primarily because I felt like a professional chef. You want these to be ready, no matter how much you use, the second they come out so they can melt before you put the marshmallows on top.
It doesn't look like much yet, but now you rip open that bag of marshmallows. You want to use them all, because the stickier the better. After all, it is a s'more! Arrange the marshmallows so that there isn't one marshmallow that is taller than the others so it will all come out golden brown.
Obviously, they will expand so don't worry if there are tons of gaps. Then, put the pan back into the oven and watch it like a hawk. For me, they ended up in the oven for about 8 minutes, and I checked on them every two or three minutes.
This should be the final product, then you cut them into squares (or giant chunks like my roommate and I did) and enjoy!
PS I was worried about eating these cold, but they are just as good cool as they are hot out of the oven.

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