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Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hi guys! So, I know I already talked about fall play, so this blog is about performing. I performed yesterday for the junior high, and it was kind of unnerving when the junior high kids didn't really respond to our jokes. My cook part, though, went really well, but I couldn't stop laughing. Cameron, though might have a grudge against me, as I fed him corn meal and jello. That is why I couldn't stop laughing. I am working hard to plan something big for Fridays performance, but won't say more, as my teacher might read this. That, along with a pressure to perform, has thrown me into a tizzy that might rival that very teacher's. I have to have everything perfect before a performance, and that makes me a grouch that angers others. It's something that I am not proud of, but my nerves make me do crazy stuff. In conclusion, I hope you never have anything but a cordial conversation directly before a performance, so your feelings can be spared. This year, so far I have cursed right back at Joe, who told me to be quiet along with a very unkind word. I have also scared some of my friends because of my intensity when I discuss the play. Sabrina has chosen not to get into a deep conversation with me until the cast party. Breathe in, breathe out. I'm sure glad I got the breathing app when it was free.

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