Look it up!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

There once was a boy named Harry...

Hi guys! In case you don't understand the reference in my title, I love this video .
So, a few nights ago I was craving something warm, and I couldn't decide what to have. I Googled to figure out where to find recipes with what ingredients I have. That is when I came across this beauty:
This is so super easy it's ridiculous!
First, you start out with two tablespoons of brown sugar and two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan.
Then, you just let it melt down and stir it together. Don't let the pan get too hot for this, save the heat for when you're boiling it all. When the butter and brown sugar are combined, it should look something like this: 

Then, you fill the mug you are going to use with milk and add a dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla into the milk. This makes it easier to combine in the saucepan. You can easily do this while your melting the first part. For the cinnamon, don't put in too much, but I also wouldn't add in too little. The second batch I made I put in too much cinnamon and I think it would have been good if I had cut the extreme amount down to about 2/3 of what I put in. Then, you just dump that mixture on top of the caramelized brown sugar, and you mix it up pretty well. Turn up the heat and let it boil. Make sure to stir it occasionally, and once it has started to boil pull it off the burner or else you risk making a mess (I nearly did that with my second batch). You should have this:

Once it had cooled a little, put it in your mug and pop in your favorite Harry Potter flick!
Hope you guys are enjoying your summers!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ham and Cheese Pockets

Hi guys! Wow, so I meant to publish this post yesterday, but Wednesday I was watching Z and I got extremely sunburnt, so yesterday I wasn't motivated to move at all. Oh well! Today I want to tell you about my little invention. I call them ham and cheese pockets, even though I made them with turkey and cheese. Anyway, you start with a tube of dinner roll dough that looks like this: 

Then you split each of them with a small knife on one side. Just cut it about 2-3 inches wide and around an inch or less in, then use your fingers to push into the middle further to make a little pocket. Each one should look like this when you have finished: 
Then, take flat cheese and your choice of meat. I'm sure that this would work with any kind of meet, but my favorite is turkey, so that's what I used. Cut the pieces of cheese in half and the rounds of meat in half, then pair a half of meat and half of cheese together- meat on top- then fold it in half, making the meat in the middle like this: 
You should have as much cheese and meat as you have rolls, except in half since you only need half of each per roll. I only needed four pieces of turkey and cheese, which was easy. Then, you take the little square of meat and cheese and stuff it in the pocket you made in the roll. Once it's in, pinch closed the sides (so you don't end up with cheese everywhere) and place them on a greased baking sheet. I used a cake pan because I have yet to get a baking sheet for the apartment, so that works as well. Before you put them in the oven, they should look like this: 
Set the oven to the instructions on the rolls' package, then put them in for a time that's in the middle of what is suggested on the package. Mine said 11-15 minutes, so I started with twelve and they ended up in there for fourteen minutes. Your ending result should look like this: 
I'm telling you, they're delicious and SO CHEAP. If you are tired of plain old sandwiches, these are perfect for you. :) 
Alright guys, I love you all! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Sneezy Kitty

So, I would love to tell you guys a story. Once upon a time there was a kitty cat named Onyx. He loved to get all the attention (Just like any other cat) but he also loved remotes and cell phones.
Haha, okay so maybe this isn't a story. I would really like to introduce you to Onyx.

I'm not sure if I've introduced you guys to him, but this picture basically explains Onyx. He loves to get in the way. In this picture my roommate was trying to set up an old school gaming system that was in that box. He made himself comfortable, and it made the best photo opportunity. 
Onyx is quite the character. If it's just him and I in the apartment when I take a shower, this happens: 
If you can't tell, he's perfectly comfortable with making sure that he owns the apartment. Sometimes when I finish showering he'll hop in and sit in the wet tub like it's comfortable. Of course, then he will sit on furniture and leave wet fur prints. Cats, am I right? 
He likes to go outside on our little deck, but the funny thing is that once he tried to escape and he ended up sitting on the sidewalk meowing for someone to save him from his misfortune. He really doesn't know how to escape, and both Sam and I have decided that if he somehow escaped into the hallway it would take him mere minutes to turn around and come back in. 
The last fun fact I have is that he snores. He will spend hours curled in a ball asleep, but sometimes when I'm writing in the silent apartment I can hear his little snores. I've decided that if he was a human he would be a lovable asthmatic who sneezes all the time and snores like a lion. 
So now you guys have met Onyx. Do any of you guys have animals whom you adore with adorable personality quirks? If so, post a comment and if you have a picture post that with a tale about their quirks and I will post all of the fun stories for the world to read. 
Love you guys! Off the be crazy! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Are you a Yuccie?

Hi guys! So I wasn't really planning on blogging again for another few days, but I came across this article: http://mashable.com/2015/06/09/post-hipster-yuccie/ and I was immediately intrigued. (If you are going to read this article, beware of strong language)
Basically, the author describes how hipsters are out, and "yuccies" are in. The interesting thing is I think there should be a term for those of us who are going to have a career path but still feel like they could be creative in other aspects of our lives. In other words; multi-taskers. People who are comfortable with their career path but also want to be able to exercise other types of creativity so they feel... in control, I suppose is the only way to explain it. So, what to we call these kinds of people, people like me and people like others who I know are like me. I think there would be several words, but I think I need your guys' ideas. So, it's your turn! What do you call non-yuccie yuccies? On the other hand, are any of your guys Yuccies? People who want to be creative but don't take a certain career path, instead they just kinda float from creative thing to creative thing, no matter the salary. :)
Alright guys, back to doing what I'm supposed to be doing; writing.
See ya!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Childhood comfort foods

Hi guys! 
This morning I have an interview, so I decided to eat something slightly more substantial than cereal. I ended up staring at my fridge for a solid ten minutes before I even decided what sounded good. 
When I was a kid, this used to be my go-to egg breakfast item, and as I've grown older I've had to learn how to make it correctly. In my house we call them egg-in-a-holes. 
Ta-da! I've finally figured out how to perfect it. This recipe may seem simple, and it is if you don't care whether you end up with a soft or hard yolk. The way to end up with the perfect yolk that you can spread across the toast is easier than I thought. 
First, heat up the pan with butter on it until the butter is sizzling, then lay down the piece of toast with a hole cut out and the piece of toast that's from the middle onto it. The little piece should not be in the middle. Make sure that the pan is hot, then turn it down when you can smell it toasting, and crack an egg in the middle. With the stove on low the toast won't burn too badly, but the egg will have a chance to cook. When the egg looks partly cooked, flip it and let it cook for another three or four minutes. Then it's done and you end up with this! It's so good, and if you pop the yolk you can spread it over all of the toast. 
So you guys, do you have anything that you love from when you were a kid that you still love to eat? I would love to hear all about it in the comments! 
Hope you are all having a good summer! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Oh boy!

Wow guys I haven't written since August 9th! I'm apologizing now because it has taken a lot to get used to the crazy of college. Luckily, I made it and this time I'm not going to stop blogging. I promise. 
So this summer I'm staying in my college town-Hastings with this guy (Onyx) and an awesome roomie (Sam). 

I'm also spending the summer with a really cool kid I'll refer to as Z. He and I have had some crazy times already and it's only the start of June. We made a volcano out of a mason jar, hung out with some lazy cats and crazy dogs....
...and we also made this ridiculously amazing cake. All it took was a box cake mix, three eggs, and a pint of ice cream. 
Z decided on chocolate ice cream and Funfetti cake mix. If you don't know what Funfetti is, that is something you need to go out and spend the money on because it is magic in a box. Or maybe a party in the box. Whelp, either way is important to try this stuff because it's awesome! The recipe ended up really good and if anyone wants it feel free to comment because I have a link with the baking instructions that I am more than willing to give out but I'm too lazy to dig it up right now. 
Alright, so I swear I'm back to posting regularly from now on! Love you guys! 