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Friday, June 13, 2014

I just want a job I like.

Yes, I know. You just read the title of this blog and some of you went 'wait, so do I!' Others may have rolled your eyes, while maybe some of you shook your head because you are fortunate enough to love or at least like your job. Those who like or love your jobs are lucky. But I'm rambling so let me start on a path that makes at least partial sense.
For the past two summers I have been a nanny to three sweet, lovable kids. It was a full time job, but even with the lower-than-average pay I loved it. So much that I was extremely disappointed to hear that this summer the kids would be old enough to be on their own. With that fact in mind, I set off to find a job this past December. I applied and applied and applied but I didn't get anywhere until March, when I landed a job at Dominos. Sure, it was fast food in a sense but I worked at Runza in 2012 and I knew there was nothing that could be worse than that.
Let me backtrack. Before I get any further I would like to point out that I am not bad mouthing these companies. It had nothing to do with the companies with why I dislike working at them, it just deals with me.
So now I work at Dominos, but I am absolutely burnt out from working with food. I end up getting home every night smelling gross and my feet and legs constantly hurt. So, I will reiterate my title. I just want a job that I like. A job that I could walk in every day and believe in everything I do. But, until I graduate college, I guess I'll stick with food and possibly retail in order to pay for life.
Well, you've heard my obsessing, so now it's your turn! What job do you have or have you had that just drove you nuts? Were you on your feet a lot? Did you have to talk on the phone a lot? Was it really confusing? Whatever it is, just write about it in the comments! I won't judge! :)

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