Look it up!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Floating Pizza

Hi guys! Yes, reread the title. That's what it says. One more time. Yes, floating pizza. Okay, now that that's cleared up, let me explain.
So Friday night I worked at 4. Fun, right? The only thing that made me not want to work that night was the heat. It was humid and muggy outside, and the heat translated directly into the room we work in. Hot or not, I was working and I was ready with a icy cold water bottle.
Work started out normal. We worked, a few people left, a few deliveries left and all was well. Then around 7:30 the sky started to get dark. The three people who were working only inside; Joe, Katie, and I, watched outside as a wall cloud approached us. We kept working though, used to the storms that have become normal this summer. I don't even remember what time it was when the sky opened up with a ton of rain.
For some reason, when it has rained this summer, that translates to the world that they need to buy pizza. I'm not complaining, it's just crazy. Around 8:30, though, we had slowed down enough that Joe asked me to clock out even if I didn't leave. So, I clocked out and Katie (oh the greatness of having a friend to work with. :)) made sure I sat down and didn't help with anything. It took about five minutes (I Facebooked then stared quietly at them as they work) for me to give up on sitting down and start to help.
I was really glad I started helping because for the next 3 hours and 15 minutes we were all three running around like chickens with our heads cut off. The drivers walked in, grabbed their deliveries, and left again. I received flyby training actually topping the pizzas and bread, and we somehow managed to make it through the night by the skin of our teeth.
By the time Katie and I clocked out, I had decided to spend the night at her house in order to avoid driving in the flash flood my phone notified me about. One of our drivers lost his car in the water around ten o'clock, so that freaked me out a little bit, and I decided to stay as put as I could.
I was so glad to have a place to sleep that I didn't have to swim to. So yes, I say floating pizza because it's logical word choice with flash flooding and making pizzas. :)
So... now it's your turn! Do you have any funny (or not so funny) stories about bad weather? Rain, snow, hail, whatever it is I wanna hear it!
I'll write later!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My writing

All right, so I figured that today would be the day I introduced you to the book I wrote in November 2012. I have yet to get it published, mostly because it needs editing and I need a lot of time at once in order to edit.
So, here goes nothing.
This is what I'm hoping my cover page will look like when it finally gets published. Notice that I say when not if because I am so determined to fix it until it is publishable.

This is almost what I visualize as my main character. Her name is Juliette when we first meet her. Later we figure out that her true name is Isabella. She is raised in an adoptive family. The only thing about her adoptive family that makes Juliette stand out is that they are all Asian.
                                                    Truly her hair is blonde with streaks of pink and blue,and it's normally slicked back in a bun, but I am not an artist and neglected to find something more fitting. You get the idea though.)
So Juliette finds out that she is a princess from the crazy lady: Carmen.
There are a lot of struggles though before she can truly settle down in her new life.
Interested in reading it? Comment and I would be more than willing to send it to you, especially if you would want to edit a little. :D
Does it sound interesting? I hope so, because I want to make it interesting to the whole world.
Til later!

Friday, June 13, 2014

I just want a job I like.

Yes, I know. You just read the title of this blog and some of you went 'wait, so do I!' Others may have rolled your eyes, while maybe some of you shook your head because you are fortunate enough to love or at least like your job. Those who like or love your jobs are lucky. But I'm rambling so let me start on a path that makes at least partial sense.
For the past two summers I have been a nanny to three sweet, lovable kids. It was a full time job, but even with the lower-than-average pay I loved it. So much that I was extremely disappointed to hear that this summer the kids would be old enough to be on their own. With that fact in mind, I set off to find a job this past December. I applied and applied and applied but I didn't get anywhere until March, when I landed a job at Dominos. Sure, it was fast food in a sense but I worked at Runza in 2012 and I knew there was nothing that could be worse than that.
Let me backtrack. Before I get any further I would like to point out that I am not bad mouthing these companies. It had nothing to do with the companies with why I dislike working at them, it just deals with me.
So now I work at Dominos, but I am absolutely burnt out from working with food. I end up getting home every night smelling gross and my feet and legs constantly hurt. So, I will reiterate my title. I just want a job that I like. A job that I could walk in every day and believe in everything I do. But, until I graduate college, I guess I'll stick with food and possibly retail in order to pay for life.
Well, you've heard my obsessing, so now it's your turn! What job do you have or have you had that just drove you nuts? Were you on your feet a lot? Did you have to talk on the phone a lot? Was it really confusing? Whatever it is, just write about it in the comments! I won't judge! :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I have a pretty little obsession

Hi guys! How's life? I just spent the day doing nearly nothing. Okay fine, I woke up, ate toast for breakfast, watched my sisters' soccer game, came home, ate lunch, applied for a second job, ate dinner and... Oh! There is that one thing I did...
So when I first heard about the show Pretty Little Liars all I could think was 'This is ridiculous. Crazy, scary, nothing I would ever watch.' Then I watched a Halloween episode and I was hooked. Once I mentally got the four main characters straight (Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily) I could follow along to the new episodes. Nowadays, though, there is only a day until the new episode and I desperately want to get through the previous seasons before the new episode comes out because sometimes I get a little...lost.
So, for those of you that don't know anything about the show, here's the gist: the main characters mentioned above were at a sleepover with their friend Alison on the night she went missing. Later she is found to be 'dead' but they get these texts from the mysterious A as weird and creepy, even life-threatening things keep happening. The thing is, this new episode supposedly tells us who A is (yeah so catch up before you watch brand-new or the series will be ruined for you. I hope.) and I'm watching through these 45 minute episodes trying to find my own clues as to who it could be. So yes, as the title says, I have a Pretty Little obsession.
Whelp, now that you've heard me obsess over MY favorite show, tell me what yours is! Just comment your favorite show and I will pick one or two to right about in my next blog post!
Good night! ~Blondie~

Friday, June 6, 2014

Sock bears

And now for our last project. We used the last socks from the four pack we bought to make little teddy bears. It seems silly, I know, and our bears would tend to agree, but they actually turned out adorably.
You need 3+ buttons and 1 sock. Your supplies should include some thread, a needle, and a permanent marker. 
Above, you can see a rough sketch for the sock pattern. The toe part should look like the outline of ears. The butt should be the heel of the sock. Cut out the lines in the rough sketch, but add your own flair in any way you want. 
Make sure that the pieces have the wrong sides out then stitch along all sides except half of one side on every piece. Once you have that done, inside it out without tying off the thread. Then stuff the piece, fold in the fabric then press them together with your fingers as you stitch up the side. Then tie it and cut it off. 
The one piece that is odd is the body. Stitch the legs inside out the whole time, then cut the thread off, right side it out and stuff it. 
At the top of the body put stitches in it that makes a circle, then tighten it up to close the hole. The tail of the thread can then be tied to the end of the thread, then cut it off. This will create the body and when you have the head and arms stuffed you can move into putting it all together.
The arms should be simple to sew on in the area that arms go, as is above. For the head, take the stub at the top of the body and stitch the back of the head to the stub. The ending look should be something like above. 
Next pick out your buttons and sew on a nose and eyes. If you want, accessorize you bear in any other way you like. 
These are our bears: 
So we didn't go precisely by the instructions but they turned out adorably! Enjoy! 

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's raining, I'm not snoring...

Last night this very interesting storm came through my little town. I dislike storms more than you could believe, and as the wind whipped the chairs on our deck, and the lightening was echoed with thunder, my imagination started to go crazy with ideas of what could happen. Broken windows, fallen trees... Sure it wasn't even a storm worth caring about, but my imagination is powerful. Do any of you ever do this? Next time it rains, snows, or there is any inclement weather let your imagination run free. Though it's scary, it also brings a little bit of fun to the storm.
I'll finish my last craft post soon!