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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

20th Birthday cake AKA Sugar to the Max

Hi guys! So yesterday I turned 20 and for my birthday I made myself a cake. For my birthday cake I used an online recipe (Found here: https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/foodie-tale-11267581/best-lemon-sheet-cake-2641022027 ) to try to duplicate a cake that my mom has made me for my birthday for as long as I can remember. I did some perfecting though, and here I am to tell you about it. :)
The recipe calls for....     1 box of lemon cake mix (along with the ingredients called for on the back                                            of the box)
                                         1 cup buttermilk
                                         1 3oz packet of lemon pudding mix (I used 3.4 and it worked just as well)
                                         4 cups powdered sugar
                                         1/3 cup lemon juice
                                         3 T Vegetable oil
                                         3 T water
Now for the fun part: my changes. I changed the recipe by adding a couple tablespoons of lemon juice to the cake mixture right before my final mixing (mostly because I bought the cheap pudding mix). The changes I wish I had made was the cut back the powdered sugar because I ended up with too much glaze, and also add more lemon juice to the glaze. It just didn't have the bite I wanted. 
So, onto how to make it. It's a pretty basic recipe. Mix the dry ingredients together separate from the wet, then slowly add the dry into the wet until it's all combined. Preheat the oven to 350, dump the mix into a greased 9x13 pan, and pop it into the oven for the time it suggests on the box. Make it for the longest time they give you, because this batter is very wet. 

Once you can put a toothpick in and it comes out clean, you're ready to go. Let it cool for a little bit (long enough for you to make the glaze), then poke some holes into the cake with a butter knife or something small. Not too many, just enough to let the glaze sink in. Once you've mixed up all of the ingredients for the glaze, pour the glaze on the cake. If you took my tips, you should be able to use all of it, and when you have no more gaze the cake should look like this: 

I swear, it looks like more than it is. I let it sink in overnight and when I went to cut into it the next night it looked like this: 
Alright, there you have it. How to make a delicious cake for yourself (you might even share). I would recommend small pieces and a glass of milk for this delicacy. Or big pieces and pretending it's 0 calories. Either way, enjoy! 


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