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Friday, April 11, 2014

Knit knitity knit Friday

Happy almost Friday Y'all! If you've had the kind of I-just-wanna-sleep Thursday I've had, you'll understand how I feel. Luckily for me, tomorrow is coming and it's gonna be a lot of fun. I suppose to most people my plans wouldn't sound very much fun, but to me it sounds like the most perfect way to spend my Friday evening. Let me explain... So, for almost two months I've been knitting like crazy. It started out as a whim, but as I started I realized what I wanted it to be. I kept knitting, and it slowly formed into a scarf for my boyfriend (Alex) 's birthday. Last night, around 10:30, I finished it off with some fringe, and it was a billion times better than I thought it would be. The only reason it had taken me so long was because, as my boss puts it, I'm "a very busy and popular person." Tomorrow I am going to surprise Alex for his birthday. He's going to be at practice, so his mom is letting me in and I'm going to decorate his room. I bought streamers and I plan to turn his room into a streamer laser maze and put his present on the other side. It's going to be hilariously perfect when he sees I'm there, as he believes I'm going to have to work. It's also going to be funny to see him attempt to get his present. So yes, that's my awesome Friday and he'll get to see my amazingly fabulous scarf.

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