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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The simplicity of a love story

Hi guys! Wow it's been a little, okay a lot, while since I've blogged. Honestly I don't really remember what I've done since then. Seeing as there seems to be absolutely nothing for me to write about my present life that will not make you fall asleep, I think I'll write a little story down. It's kinda cheesy I suppose, but I'm going to stick with it. I'm hoping this will be a forever love story, but right now I'm okay with it being right now. Let's start with a little background. I have been in Girl Scouts since 2008, and I've been in my current troop since 2010. There is only one other girl in my grade; her name is Katie. We were acquaintances only for the first two years, as. She was friends with the older girls. Last year we formed this goofy, unbreakable friendship where we could tell each other anything and neither would (outwardly) judge. This last November I was tired of the cold, deep into my NaNoWriMo writing, and overwhelmingly stressed, but I still decided to go to Girl Scouts on November 5th. We were watching a movie (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), and Katie and I practically had it memorized, so we just talked. At some point we started talking about guys, and she told me about one of her guy friends whom was single. He started texting her back about the last thirty minutes of the meeting, and she insisted I text him, then proceeded to tell him all about me. He wasn't sure about this, and neither was he, but after a lot of pushing from Katie he friended me on FaceBook. That night I didn't go to sleep until after one in the morning. We were talking the entire time, amazed at how much we had in common. Finally, before I fell asleep, we decided to go on a date that Thursday (the 7th). Now, I'm not one to just date because it's fun, so the number of boyfriends I have had can be counted on one hand. I was so excited for the date, I felt like a little kid. We decided to make it simple and go to Shadow Lake and eat at Taco Bell then wander around. Katie was then dispatched, and we solidified the plans that Wednesday night. Wednesday was nearly as bad as the Tuesday had been sleeping-wise, and I ended up with extreme loss of sleep and an extra amount of excitement. That whole day if school I kept repeating "I have a date tonight. I have a date." It was the best sort of enthusiasm that made my lack of sleep seem nonexistent. After school I flew home as fast as I could, dragging my sisters with me. I was jumpy and giggly as I went through outfit after outfit with my sisters. I was lucky because he took a little while to pick up Katie. I finally ended up with some outfit with my brown coat and a pair of borrowed boots from my sister. As I was finishing up, I got a call from Katie asking how to get to my house, as they were lost. Through my laughter I helped them get on the right track before I finished getting ready. When they finally arrived, I was so nervous I only greeted Katie and almost pretended Alex wasn't there. I felt really bad but I just couldn't talk to him. He met my dad, and we talked awkwardly before I rushed us out the door. He opened my door for me and I felt especially special. Then we headed to Shadow Lake. On the way there, I joked with Katie about not being able to find my house, but I didn't really acknowledge Alex. Taco Bell was good, and Katie and Alex talked generally about school. Soon, though, our food was gone, and the conversation ran dry, so we decided to go wander. First we went to dollar tree. I insisted due to my obsessive love of cheapness. As we walked Alex and I finally started talking, and we realized that bringing Katie wasn't the best idea. As we came to the end of one aisle, Alex whispered to me "just start walking backwards." I felt like a rebel as we attempted to leave Katie behind. After that we went into Ulta where Katie and I sampled perfume. When we ran out of our wrists, though, we decided to try it out on Alex. He was patient, but attempted to avoid the stream of girly headed his way. When we had completed our torture, we headed back to his car. Even though Katie lived closer to Alex, he decided to drop her off first, then take me home. This gave us a chance to talk. All I remember after that was stopping to get gas, then blasting White Walls by Macklemore as he drove me home. I'm sure we talked, but I don't remember much more. He was ever a gentleman as he walked me to the door, and then he said hello to my mother then headed to his late practice. Later he confided he had wanted to kiss me as he said good bye, but was too nervous. That Friday, Saturday, and Sunday he had an away soccer tournament, and even though we wanted to meet again, we couldn't. Then Sunday we decided to meet so I could meet his parents and sister. I did my best to impress them, then he dropped me back off at my car. Before he let me go, though, he kissed me softly then asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy that I said yes immediately. That was November 10, 2013 at approximately 8:30 at night. Nowadays we are twelve days from being together for six months. Again, I told you that this was a hopeful love story, but it don't know what the future holds, I'm just hopeful. He is sweet, and I am constantly flattered by how much he cares. I guess, if you read through this and finished it I'm extremely proud of you. I get a little over-zealous when I'm happy. Hope you all are having good weeks! -Susan

Prom this year

Friday, April 11, 2014

Knit knitity knit Friday

Happy almost Friday Y'all! If you've had the kind of I-just-wanna-sleep Thursday I've had, you'll understand how I feel. Luckily for me, tomorrow is coming and it's gonna be a lot of fun. I suppose to most people my plans wouldn't sound very much fun, but to me it sounds like the most perfect way to spend my Friday evening. Let me explain... So, for almost two months I've been knitting like crazy. It started out as a whim, but as I started I realized what I wanted it to be. I kept knitting, and it slowly formed into a scarf for my boyfriend (Alex) 's birthday. Last night, around 10:30, I finished it off with some fringe, and it was a billion times better than I thought it would be. The only reason it had taken me so long was because, as my boss puts it, I'm "a very busy and popular person." Tomorrow I am going to surprise Alex for his birthday. He's going to be at practice, so his mom is letting me in and I'm going to decorate his room. I bought streamers and I plan to turn his room into a streamer laser maze and put his present on the other side. It's going to be hilariously perfect when he sees I'm there, as he believes I'm going to have to work. It's also going to be funny to see him attempt to get his present. So yes, that's my awesome Friday and he'll get to see my amazingly fabulous scarf.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Growing up is a weird feeling

      Hi guys! So this last week I went to my second prom ever. This next weekend I will be attending another one (my boyfriend's), but it's the last time I'll be going to a dance for my school. It's awfully weird. I remember my freshman year homecoming, and I can hardly believe I'm old enough to be going through all these lasts of high school. I knew it was coming, but now it feels like it will be here way too soon. For prom, I wore a dress I found at the Ultra Chic Prom Boutique in downtown Omaha. It's technically not a boutique, as all dresses are $25 and the proceeds go to the Lydia House, but it was completely worth it. We arrived there early and I managed to get a dress that was just my style. I should be able to add in a picture, but it is pink, blue, then purple. The beading all over it is so intricate that I've guessed that the dress was originally hundreds of dollars. Alex, my sweet date, wore a tie with different grays and pink striped in it. For dinner, my parents cooked us chicken and we had a wonderful meal joking about school with the other kids that joined Alex and I. We took pictures mostly outside, but it was windy so it was crazy to get good pictures.

         Last year it snowed on our prom though, so I was okay with the wind. After pictures we headed to the dance, and the room the dance was held in was beautiful. I had a great time, and a little before 11 we headed to after prom. After prom included bowling (two games; one normal and one trick game. I finally beat Alex but only at the trick round), laser tag (two games, and the first one I held my gun backwards and basically shot myself the whole time), a photo booth (we were allowed two pictures and my friends and I all wore crazy glasses and hats for our first), and a prize round. I think the prize round, though, needs to be out of parenthesis. They had two tables of prizes; one for juniors and one for seniors. They pulled names prior to announcing them, and then the name that was announced had thirty seconds to chose a prize off of their table. Everyone had a chance to scour it before, and I had listed out my top five for Alex. I also picked out my bottom five because I thought for sure that there was no way I would get picked near the top. We all got seated, and after they announced the rules they got started, and the first name that they had pulled was mine!

         The very first thing I went for was the 32" TV. It was absolutely perfect, and I plan on using it for my college dorm. So, that was the exciting part of my night/morning. When prizes were over, we grabbed our prizes and evening wear then headed home. I was exhausted, but it was so much fun that it was worth it. So, now that that's over, I don't know what I'm going to do. I've included (hopefully) some pictures of my past school dances and even included a picture of Alex and I from Saturday. Thanks for reading this to the end if you did, because that makes you awesome.
2010 Homecoming 2010 Homecoming2011 Homecoming 2011 Homecoming
2012 Homecoming 2012 Homecoming
2013 Prom 2013 Prom

 2014 Prom2014 Prom