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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My almost-not-worth-reading craziness

I am going insane. Don't believe me? I swear I am. Whether it is the warm air, my new job, or just the fact that graduation is getting closer and closer the warmer it gets, I'm going insane. I made a teacher mad at me by accidentally being too loud, and normally I would have been scared, but I just felt giddy and tried to act calm. I knitted in the library with my yarn on top of a computer, but acted like it was totally normal. Wow, so this blog post kinda is starting to sound ramblingly crazy, so maybe I should just play the overview game of my long weekend. Thursday and Friday I played pep band for girls state and it was a lot of fun to be in the big arenas, but it was pretty tiring being up earlier than usual. Friday night I sold Girl Scout cookies, as sales ended Sunday and our troop needed to sell out what we had left. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early for a disappointing speech meet at Waverly High School, then I came home and spent two hours hanging out with my boyfriend in which I'm pretty sure I was so tired I acted like a lunatic. Sunday, though, Sunday was fabulous. I went to church, came home, relaxed. Attended puppet rehearsal, came home, relaxed again, but this time with Pretty Little Liars and knitting along with texting some of my friends. Last night I worked for my second day at Domino's and now I'm glad to have Girl Scouts to relax at tonight. Oddly enough, I want Friday to get here really fast. Friday morning, not Friday afternoon, as I am heading out to Hastings to tour their college campus and I will be able to just relax while trying to figure out my future. Oh how I ramble. If you're reading this, I do apologize that you made it this far and I don't have a conclusion. My brain is a little goofy sometimes, so I suppose that's the reasoning behind my weird rant. Love y'all! -Susan

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