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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Something about something.

Hi guys! Okay, so yesterday I posted a rant, but this morning I realized how passive aggressive it was, so I think I'm just going to focus on something else. Hopefully no one saw that side of me. I hope you are all having a great Spring. Or... Winter? You know, it's supposed to be Spring but I'm still wearing a sweater, a sweatshirt, and a heavy coat in order to go outside. Brrrrr. Actually, that's really not what I wanted to talk about. Currently (actually right this instance) I am knitting a scarf. I started it with way too many stitches (if you don't know about knitting, that means it's too wide.) so I'm desperately attempting to finish it. It's supposed to be for my boyfriend's birthday (April 11) but I'm only 5/8 of the way through it so I am almost giving up hope on finishing. Don't want to do the calculating in your head? That's 17 days left. Now, I'm sure this would be easy if I had actually worked really hard on it when I started it, but I didn't and I started it at the start of February, around the time it was actually cold out. Now, it's not cold and I'm starting to believe that this was a terrible idea. The way I am, though, I'm going to finish it even if I end up with it a month late (hopefully not likely?) the problem is whenever I hang out with him I can't work on it, so I knit whenever I am doing ANYTHING else (reading, eating, walking, breathing). The point of all this? Just please be hoping it'll get done, or I'll go crazy. (originally this should have been published on Tuesday. That didn't work though so here you are!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My almost-not-worth-reading craziness

I am going insane. Don't believe me? I swear I am. Whether it is the warm air, my new job, or just the fact that graduation is getting closer and closer the warmer it gets, I'm going insane. I made a teacher mad at me by accidentally being too loud, and normally I would have been scared, but I just felt giddy and tried to act calm. I knitted in the library with my yarn on top of a computer, but acted like it was totally normal. Wow, so this blog post kinda is starting to sound ramblingly crazy, so maybe I should just play the overview game of my long weekend. Thursday and Friday I played pep band for girls state and it was a lot of fun to be in the big arenas, but it was pretty tiring being up earlier than usual. Friday night I sold Girl Scout cookies, as sales ended Sunday and our troop needed to sell out what we had left. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early for a disappointing speech meet at Waverly High School, then I came home and spent two hours hanging out with my boyfriend in which I'm pretty sure I was so tired I acted like a lunatic. Sunday, though, Sunday was fabulous. I went to church, came home, relaxed. Attended puppet rehearsal, came home, relaxed again, but this time with Pretty Little Liars and knitting along with texting some of my friends. Last night I worked for my second day at Domino's and now I'm glad to have Girl Scouts to relax at tonight. Oddly enough, I want Friday to get here really fast. Friday morning, not Friday afternoon, as I am heading out to Hastings to tour their college campus and I will be able to just relax while trying to figure out my future. Oh how I ramble. If you're reading this, I do apologize that you made it this far and I don't have a conclusion. My brain is a little goofy sometimes, so I suppose that's the reasoning behind my weird rant. Love y'all! -Susan

Monday, March 3, 2014

Education and the future

I love little kids. Kinda a weird statement to being with, but let me elaborate. I've been babysitting since I was 11. I was a mothers helper for two kids, a boy an a girl. Then I babysat another pair of kids, and that was the first time all alone. I was about twelve or thirteen then. I thought I was such a big deal, I mean I was caring for kids all on my own. When I was about fourteen I had the chance to take care of a two year old for a day. It was a full day with her over at my house. I was so excited. We went to the park, played games, watched about five minutes of TV before she got tired, and my mom taught me how to put her down for a nap. I still remember that day with love. It was my first big gig. When I was fifteen, right before I could drive myself anywhere other than school, I had the chance to babysit for that same family except for all four children all alone. I was ready. We did a craft, played a game, and I fed them dinner. Sometime at the point I realized how much I loved spending time with kids and watching them learn. Since then, I've nannied those very same kids, and I have also babysat numerous other sets of kids. My most recent is for a little two year old I have nicknamed Little Red. She has this crazy curly red hair, and a personality to fit. Now that I've come to the point in my life where I have to pick my future, I know I want to be an elementary teacher. I'll admit that I've heard how hard it is, but I enjoy the kids, and even if the pay isn't worthy of making me a millionaire it still makes it worth it to see kids smile when you teach them something. ABC's, colors, letters, reading... It's all important, and suddenly my future looks like a lot of fun. Later! -Susan