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Friday, July 4, 2014


Hi guys! I am currently laying on the couch in my living room with my feet in a blanket and headphones over my ears, but I really wanted to talk about the fourth of July.
So, as a newly ordained checker at Hyvee, I was working there today as tons of people had the sudden realization that they didn't have nearly enough food for their Independence Day parties. This actually got me thinking, I mean this holiday used to celebrate freedom. Freedom for all of America from being treated like we weren't worth it (we showed them, right?). Yet there they all were, more desperate to pay for some hot dogs and beer than to donate a few cents to the fund for the troops that Hyvee had running. Shouldn't this holiday be a celebration of the freedom our country fought so hard for? Sure, the fireworks are cool and it all inspires a little pride for our country but then there's the fact that people will spend hundreds of dollars on the fireworks and suddenly it's not about freedom it's about who has the better fireworks.
So your turn to weigh in. Is the Fourth of July really a good source of pride for our country or is it just a marketing strategy? Also, did you do something fun for the holiday?
I love you guys and would love to hear your opinion!

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