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Monday, January 13, 2014

People in charge

Dear reader, I do hope that this writing will not offend you, but I feel like getting it off my chest, and since I need to blog, this seems like a good idea. -Susan It seems that the people in charge; bosses, administrators, teachers; are the keys to the world. This is not necessarily a bad thing. My past bosses I have been generally good acquaintances with and a good half of my teachers I like a lot. Some people, though, just annoy me in a way that I can not do anything to change. Now, I'm ranting, so let me try to explain. I am co-president to our drama club. Co-, meaning that of the two of us I am more high strung. Well, that's not the exact definition, but it's the truth. Today we were supposed to have a meeting. It's a big deal, you see, as we are struggling to put together a kids drama day in order to promote our program for the future. Well, our school did not put that we had a meeting in the announcements My friend Sabrina, co-Vice-president of our fine club, along with myself, decided to go talk to the office so that we could make sure that we had people at our meeting. Now, I have to stop with the specifics, because if you know our school, well that just wouldn't be fair to this certain person. This certain person is very nice but that person does not stop to help, that person just continues going through that person's day. We asked, and the person in power told us that a mistake was made and that they would not fix it. In conclusion, we had a little over a handful of people at our meeting because we were told by a person higher up that they wouldn't fix the problem. I find myself wondering how much people in power actually care about the little people. For instance, in big corporations people get laid off or demoted all the time. My father was one of those people, demoted over a trivial thing. Do the people that are higher up even stop to think? In my father's case, did they think about my family, and how we will all be going to college within six or seven years? In the drama club's case, did they think about how we would now be required to use any time we had left over from homework to throw together our only version of a fundraiser in five days? Some day, I hope some higher power actually breaks the mold and thinks of others.

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