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Monday, January 27, 2014

The Sunshine Award/ The 11 (wo)man Project

1)I collect teddy bears. I've been collecting frankly since I was boring, but didn't realize it until I was going through my stuffed animals and found out I had about 40. Nowadays I have five shelves full of approximately 70 teddy bears. I hope to get to 216 to represent every month of my 18 years, but I doubt that that will happen as my mother will strangle me first. Although I do not believe my boyfriend understands that I need to stop, as he has gotten me five in the two months we've been dating. 2)I've always wished babysitting could be my lifelong carrier. A lot of girls dislike babysitting after they get to a certain age, often when they start driving. I, on the other hand, love it even more, as I no longer have to rely on my parents for rides. 3)Secretly I wish I could bring my cat Ella with me to college. The rest of my family doesn't like her as much because she's quiet and reserved, but I think she's a lot like me; she's outgoing when she wants to be, but shes quiet when she wants to be. I just kinda wanna take her and hide her. 4)I love performing on stage for drama, but I'm afraid of public speaking. Anytime I get on stage to actually do something other than give instructions I freeze up and start shaking. I have to practice several times in order to be able to know what I'm going to say. It's kinda annoying. 5)I overuse the word 'definitely'. "I definitely think that would work." "They are definitely crazy". This is a definite problem for me. 6)Everyone thinks I'm still completely obsessed with Justin Bieber, but I actually am not too sure anymore. I don't like his new music, and he's acting like an idiot. Either way, I still defend him because I don't want to talk down on him. 7)I've always wanted a dog. Don't get me wrong, cats are great, but I've wanted a dog since I was little. Either a Golden Retriever or a Yorkie, but even some mixed something I would love. 8)I don't like participating in any sports at all. I suppose that's not a great thing, as I'm extremely un-muscular and weak. Someday I might actually work out, but I dislike exercise so much that it's highly doubtful. 9)I can't sleep without at least one stuffed animal in my arms. Yes, I'm 18 and I still sleep like a little kids I with stuffed animals. I honestly don't care. 10)Some people drive me so nuts that I choose to ignore them daily. They think I'm being mean, I prefer to believe I am keeping them from feeling sad as I yell at them. 11)I'm the type of person that if I make a commitment I will stay with it, no matter what. I have been on a puppet team since 2008, and even though some Sundays I would rather just be sleeping during practice, I still show up. I think hard work and commitment makes me a better person. -If you had to choose an animal to morph into occasionally (like an Animagus like Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series or a skin-changer like Beorn from The Hobbit) which animal would you choose and why? 1. I would definitely be a cat. (Yep, there's my definitely again). I think cats have it easy, because they get to sit around all day, yet they are total ninjas when falling or jumping off furniture. -What is the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received and from whom did you receive said advice? 2. Weirdly enough, I don't know who told me this, I actually think I might have just learned this advice from my favorite TV show, because the lesson is that sometimes you just have to act like a little kid to get through the rough parts in life. As I think about it, I dunno how great of advice that is. Well... Gee. -What gadget could you not live without (or at the very least living without it would drastically change the way you live) and why? 3.Oddly enough, my laptop even though I don't use it every day anymore thanks to my iPad. I use my laptop for getting into everything, and it store all my photos off of my camera. -What Pandora station did you last listen to? 4.I listened to Disney (Children's) Radio because I was listening to songs from animated disney movies. -Why/how do you use Twitter or other social media outlets? 5.I mostly use it because I love feeling connected. I use it for talking to friends I haven't seen for a while, or even friends that I saw that day. I also use it to show of great photos I love to take. I don't really use my Twitter as much. -Use one song title, book title, lyric, or quote to sum up your 2013 and indicate one that you’d like to use to set the tone for your 2014. 6.When I grow up by Shirley Temple was 2013. Happy days theme song by happy days is what I want 2014. -What is one of the greatest things you’ve ever heard a student say? 7.A freshman said "What us The Atre?" When he was looking at an I <3 Theatre sign in the drama classroom. -What is your favorite snack? 8.Chocolate. I am a confessed chocoholic and will eat nearly anything that has chocolate. -What is the last movie you saw in a theater? Also, rate it with your own rating system. 9.I saw Frozen in the theaters and it was AMAZING! I give it 10/10 <3's. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 -Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near? 10.It's because I am Snow White and the birds love to sing with me. -If you were going to form a music band, and could choose any non-musicians–factual, fictional, alive, or dead–who would you pick; what role would each person play in the band (including you); what type of music would you play; and what would your band be called? 11.We would be the Novel Kids, and we would play 80's rock. I would have actor James Roday as the main singer, because he rocks and looks fabulous in sunglasses. I would have America from the Selection Trilogy as a backup singer. I would also be a backup singer. My teacher Mrs. Morgenson would be the third backup singer. All backup singers also play the tambourine. I would have Jake T. Austin as the bass guitar player because he is awesome. I would have David Lambert from the Fosters play electric guitar because he plays guitar in the show but isn't a real musician. Last but not least I want Timothy Omundson on the drums because Psych once did a promo with him on the drums. Yeah, so that's about me.... So I challenge you all! No matter who you are, write 11 facts about yourself, answer the following ten questions, and then make sure you mention whoever gave you your questions (Thanks Mrs. Morgenson!). QUESTIONS: what's your favorite color? What is your Harry Potter house? (Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. You may need to research.) If you were an animal, what would you be? What makes you laugh? How many people are in your immediate family? (Half- and step- definitely count) What kind of books do you prefer? What is your absolute favorite holiday? What is the one word you overuse, whether it is in writing or speaking? (And yes, "like" definitely counts) What is the only classic book you've read that sticks with you to this day? How old do you wish you were? Is it a great difference from how old you are? Why do you wish you were this age?

Monday, January 13, 2014

People in charge

Dear reader, I do hope that this writing will not offend you, but I feel like getting it off my chest, and since I need to blog, this seems like a good idea. -Susan It seems that the people in charge; bosses, administrators, teachers; are the keys to the world. This is not necessarily a bad thing. My past bosses I have been generally good acquaintances with and a good half of my teachers I like a lot. Some people, though, just annoy me in a way that I can not do anything to change. Now, I'm ranting, so let me try to explain. I am co-president to our drama club. Co-, meaning that of the two of us I am more high strung. Well, that's not the exact definition, but it's the truth. Today we were supposed to have a meeting. It's a big deal, you see, as we are struggling to put together a kids drama day in order to promote our program for the future. Well, our school did not put that we had a meeting in the announcements My friend Sabrina, co-Vice-president of our fine club, along with myself, decided to go talk to the office so that we could make sure that we had people at our meeting. Now, I have to stop with the specifics, because if you know our school, well that just wouldn't be fair to this certain person. This certain person is very nice but that person does not stop to help, that person just continues going through that person's day. We asked, and the person in power told us that a mistake was made and that they would not fix it. In conclusion, we had a little over a handful of people at our meeting because we were told by a person higher up that they wouldn't fix the problem. I find myself wondering how much people in power actually care about the little people. For instance, in big corporations people get laid off or demoted all the time. My father was one of those people, demoted over a trivial thing. Do the people that are higher up even stop to think? In my father's case, did they think about my family, and how we will all be going to college within six or seven years? In the drama club's case, did they think about how we would now be required to use any time we had left over from homework to throw together our only version of a fundraiser in five days? Some day, I hope some higher power actually breaks the mold and thinks of others.