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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Sneezy Kitty

So, I would love to tell you guys a story. Once upon a time there was a kitty cat named Onyx. He loved to get all the attention (Just like any other cat) but he also loved remotes and cell phones.
Haha, okay so maybe this isn't a story. I would really like to introduce you to Onyx.

I'm not sure if I've introduced you guys to him, but this picture basically explains Onyx. He loves to get in the way. In this picture my roommate was trying to set up an old school gaming system that was in that box. He made himself comfortable, and it made the best photo opportunity. 
Onyx is quite the character. If it's just him and I in the apartment when I take a shower, this happens: 
If you can't tell, he's perfectly comfortable with making sure that he owns the apartment. Sometimes when I finish showering he'll hop in and sit in the wet tub like it's comfortable. Of course, then he will sit on furniture and leave wet fur prints. Cats, am I right? 
He likes to go outside on our little deck, but the funny thing is that once he tried to escape and he ended up sitting on the sidewalk meowing for someone to save him from his misfortune. He really doesn't know how to escape, and both Sam and I have decided that if he somehow escaped into the hallway it would take him mere minutes to turn around and come back in. 
The last fun fact I have is that he snores. He will spend hours curled in a ball asleep, but sometimes when I'm writing in the silent apartment I can hear his little snores. I've decided that if he was a human he would be a lovable asthmatic who sneezes all the time and snores like a lion. 
So now you guys have met Onyx. Do any of you guys have animals whom you adore with adorable personality quirks? If so, post a comment and if you have a picture post that with a tale about their quirks and I will post all of the fun stories for the world to read. 
Love you guys! Off the be crazy! 

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