Look it up!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hi guys! Have u guys tried the app Viggle? Ok I know I'm not normally one for promoting apps but basically you get points for watching tv and listening to songs. I would recommend it so much because then u can chose prizes with the points! And yes, this is a pathetic excuse for a Saturday blog post. 
Love you guys! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

College packing

Hi guys! Sorry, this week is going to be a short post but I have been buying and packing for college these last two days and I have managed to create a large stash of college stuff in my room. I have everything I need, and possibly more than I need. So, I have a question for you. If you could take one thing with you if you were moving somewhere for a long time, what would you bring? That would be a really hard decision for me since I have already been overpacking. 
Also, and this is a more relevant question, would you guys like me to make a Facebook page for my blog? Thanks y'all! 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Teddies, Teddies everywhere.

  Hello everyone! Wow, okay I guess I'm being formal. Maybe I should change it. Sup y'all? Nope, now I'm nuts. Hmmm. Okay well I think I'll just skip the greeting part. Anyway, we've been back from vacation for a few days now and my back is not killing me as much, which is fabulous because I want to tell you all about my collection!
All right, so I am 18 years old. At this age, most people my age don't really like stuffed animals. Sure, they may have a few, but I am not like any of those people. I collect teddy bears, and I have collected them since I realized I had accidentally started a collection that I wanted to continue. I was probably 13 when I figured this out, but it does not stop there.
Currently, my grand total of teddy bears is 81. Should I be proud? Probably not, but the thing is every bear I have has a story. And every teddy bear has a special spot in my room. Each is unique in every way. I have brown bears, white, pink, blue, green, even rainbow colored. They each are soft or hard, and I even have a paper one (weird, I know, but it's from part of Disney world and it was free so totally work it).
I'm pretty sure I am coming off as a rich, spoiled girl right now, am I right? The thing is, though, no one person got these bears for me. My friends know I collect them, so for birthdays or Christmas they give them to me as gifts. A few are souvenirs from places my friends have been. A bunch are ones I have saved up for and spent my own money on. I always save a little money if I'm going on a trip, and I buy souvenir teddy bears from different places we go (If you have a gift shop and no souvenir teddy bears then you automatically get a frowny face from me. You would be surprised how many places don't have souvenir teddy bears.). Some are even bears that I received as a hand-me-down that people no longer cared about. I once found a perfectly good teddy bear that someone had ripped up and one of the arms was missing.I took it home and sewed it up, no arm and all. Now he sits like a prince on one of my bear shelves.
Okay, so now it is your turn! What do you collect? Is it small? Big? I'm curious, so comment!
See you Wednesday!

(Some quick pics of my bears. I wasn't kidding when I said I have a lot)